HighTide's To-Do List

I do more than code...

To-Do List

- Create a new game (Awesome Sause 3) to add to the current game series

- Work on my Minecraft themed game called HighTide's Find the Button

- Create a Terraria Mod called HighTide's Compact Items


- Install SteamOS to a computer in order to turn the computer into a Steam gaming console

- Create a server configuration page for this website

- Make a full remake of Awesome Sause but made for the 3DS and New 3DS

- Publish an app on the Nintendo 3DS/WiiU eShop before it goes out of date on March, 27, 2023

As many of you know, HighTide is a very busy person. He is almost always working on a project. When HighTide is free (has free time) he will usually have it for at most 1ish day. Just so you all know what he is up to, he will be updating this list every time an idea pops into his head. Please keep in mind, HighTide also has school during the days (6 hours a day) so he will be less active during the week days (Monday-Friday).
Thank You for Reading :D

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